Adding a Compute Node

You can add a new OAR compute node which was instantiated from UForge but which was not configured as part of the initial deployment as follows.

  1. Make a snapshot of the UForge Server (to be able to come back to the state without the additional OAR compute node).

  2. Initial setup: oar-server and oarnode1 to oarnodeN already configured

    Name oarnodeX and IP-oarnodeX respectively the name and IP address of the new node to be added to the UForge “cluster”.

  1. Copy over /etc/hosts from oarnode1 to oarnodeX with mods
  2. Get first local network interface (eth0)
ITF=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep : | cut -d ':' -f 1|grep -v lo | tr -d ' '| head -1`
  1. Get IP address associated with this interface
IP=`/sbin/ip -o addr show $ITF 2>/dev/null| grep 'inet ' | awk '{print \$4}' |
sed -e 's?/.*??'`
  1. Modify and copy /etc/hosts
sed -e 's/\<oarnode1\>/oarnodeX/g' /etc/hosts | awk -v ip=$IP -v name=oarnode1
'{print}END{printf "%s %s\n",ip,name}' | ssh IP-oarnodeX dd of=/etc/hosts
  1. Copy over uforge.conf file and others
rsync -a /etc/UShareSoft/uforge/uforge.conf IP-oarnodeX:/etc/UShareSoft/uforge/
rsync /etc/oar/oar.conf IP-oarnodeX:/etc/oar/
rsync /etc/ssh/sshd_config IP-oarnodeX:/etc/ssh
rsync -a ~oar/.ssh IP-oarnodeX:~oar
  1. Run the following commands on all oarnode1 .. oarnodeN and oar-server but not oarnodeX. This adds new node in all machines /etc/hosts
awk 'BEGIN{d=1}/\<oarnodeX\>/ {d=0}{print}END{if(d==1){print "IP-oarnodeX
oarnodeX"}}' /etc/hosts > /tmp/hosts.NEW
diff -q /tmp/hosts.NEW /etc/hosts >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
rsync -a /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.SVG-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`
cp /tmp/hosts.NEW /etc/hosts
rm -f /tmp/hosts.NEW
  1. Run the following commands on oarnodeX
chmod 666 /etc/oar/oar.conf
cp /opt/UShareSoft/uforge/tmpl/nfs.tmpl /etc/sysconfig/nfs
cp /opt/UShareSoft/uforge/tmpl/mountisos_init /etc/init.d/mountisos; chkconfig
--add mountisos
for s in ntpd glassfish tomcat mysql httpd oar-server openstack-glance-api
openstack-glance-registry oas oas-deploy; do service $s stop; chkconfig --levels
0123456 $s off ; done >/dev/null 2>&1
ntpdate ; service ntpd start
for s in oar-node ntpd postfix mountisos; do chkconfig --levels 2345 $s on; done
service ntpd stop ; ntpdate ; chkconfig ntpd on ; service ntpd
service mountisos start
service oar-node start
service sshd restart
/opt/UShareSoft/uforge/tools/update_scripts/ -f >/dev/null 2>&1
  1. Run the following commands on oar-server to create new resources on oarnodeX from existing oarnode1 resources
/usr/bin/oarnodes | /bin/awk '/network_address=oarnode1/
{s=$0;gsub(".*nature=","",s);gsub(",.*","",s);printf "/usr/sbin/oarnodesetting
-a -h oarnode3 -p cpuset=0,nature=%s\n",s}' | sh

Removing a Node

In order to remove a node, run the following command on the UForge server:

/usr/bin/oarnodes | /bin/awk "/resource_id/ {n=\$NF} /network_address=$
{REMOVENODE}/ {printf \"/usr/sbin/oarnodesetting -s Dead -r %s ; sleep 2;
/usr/sbin/oarremoveresource %s\n\",n,n}" | sh