Managing Access to Formats and OSes

Each user account can be configured to have access to certain operating systems and image formats that are enabled in the organization. When a user account is created, the organization’s default operating systems and image formats are automatically added. The administrator can then add or remove operating systems and image formats for a specific user account using the command-line interface.

Listing Formats

To list all the formats the user (in this example “kermit”) has access to:

$ uforge user format list --account kermit --url -u $ADMIN -p $PASS
Getting user [kermit] ...
Success: User [kermit] can have access to the following image formats in the default organization
| Format           | Access |
| abiquo           |   X    |
| ami              |   X    |
| cloudburstvmware |        |
| cloudcomova      |   X    |
| cloudcomqcow2    |   X    |
| cloudcomvhd      |   X    |
| cloudsigmaraw    |        |
| emi-kvm          |   X    |
| emi-xen          |   X    |
| esx              |   X    |
| hyper-v          |   X    |
| ISO              |   X    |
| kvm              |   X    |
| nimbulaesx       |   X    |
| nimbulakvm       |   X    |
| openstack        |   X    |
| ovf              |   X    |
| qcow2            |   X    |
| raw              |   X    |
| vbox             |   X    |
| vhd              |   X    |
| vmware           |   X    |
| xen              |   X    |

Adding or Removing Formats

To add access to one or more formats for a specific user, use the command uforge user format enable. You cannot add access to a format that is not included in the organization. For a list of formats that are part of the organization, use the command uforge org format list.

To disable access to one or more formats for a specific user (in this example “kermit”):

$ uforge user format disable --format ovf qcow2 vbox --account kermit --url -u $ADMIN -p $PASS
Getting user [kermit] ...
Success: Disabled 3 image formats for user [kermit]
Success: Disabled image formats:
| Format           | Access |
| ovf              |        |
| qcow2            |        |
| vbox             |        |

Listing Available OSes

To list all the operating systems the user has access to:

$ uforge user os list --account <username> -u $ADMIN -p $PASS

Adding or Removing User Access to OSes

An administrator can add or remove access to operating systems for a specific user.

Adding/removing all CentOS versions:

uforge user os enable --account <username> --name CentOS
uforge user os disable --account <username> --name CentOS

Adding/removing CentOS version 5.8 all architectures:

uforge user os enable --account <username> --name CentOS --version 5.8
uforge user os disable --account <username> --name CentOS --version 5.8

Adding/removing CentOS version 5.8 i386:

uforge user os enable --account <username> --name CentOS --version 5.8 --arch i386
uforge user os disable --account <username> --name CentOS --version 5.8 --arch i386


For “Scientific Linux” and “RedHat Enterprise Linux”, use the following syntax: Scientific.* RedHat.* for the distribution name.