Using the CLI ToolΒΆ

The UForge platform has a command-line tool called uforge to administer the platform. The CLI has the following usage:

uforge -u <name> -p <password> -U <URL> <target> <command> [options][args]

where the flags:

  • -u: provides the username of the administrator
  • -p: provides the password of the administrator
  • -U: provides the UForge URL endpoint to communicate with the platform

If the target, command and arguments are ommitted, then you enter into an interactive mode e.g.:

$ uforge -u <user> -p <password> -U

The following targets are available for the uforge command-line tool:

  • entitlement : Administration of all the entitlements in UForge for RBAC
  • images : Administer generated images for a user
  • org : Organization administration (list/info/create/update/delete etc)
  • os : Administer operating systems/distributions (list/info etc)
  • pimages : Administer published images for a user
  • role : Manage platform roles
  • subscription : Manage subscription profiles : list profile, create profiles, update profiles
  • template : Administer templates for a user (list/info/create/delete/generate/share etc)
  • user : User’s administration (list/info/create/update/delete etc)

To list the command for each target, use the -h or --help option. For example:

$ uforge -u root -p mypassword -U user --help

The arguments are:

  • -U URL, --url URL : the server URL endpoint to use
  • -u USER, --user USER : the user name used to authenticate to the server
  • -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD : the password used to authenticate to the server
  • -v : displays the current version of the uforge-cli tool
  • -h, --help : show this help message and exit
  • -k PUBLICKEY, --publickey PUBLICKEY : public API key to use for this request. Default: no default
  • -s SECRETKEY, --secretkey SECRETKEY : secret API key to use for this request. Default: no default
  • -c, --no-check-certificate : Don’t check the server certificate against the available certificate authorities