Modifying the UForge IPΒΆ

You can modify the UForge IP on a mono-node deployment by changing all the occurences of <OLD IP> to <NEW IP> in the following files:

  • /etc/UShareSoft/uforge/uforge.conf
  • /var/opt/UShareSoft/uforge-client/gwt/uforge/templates/forge-config.xml
  • /etc/httpd/conf.d/uforge-ui.conf
  • /etc/squid/squid.conf


You must then restart the services.

For example:

  1. Open file /etc/UShareSoft/uforge/uforge.conf and modify all occurences of the old IP to the new IP. For example: UFORGE_GF_INTERNAL_IP= to: UFORGE_GF_INTERNAL_IP=

  2. Open file /var/opt/UShareSoft/uforge-client/gwt/uforge/templates/forge-config.xml and modify all occurences of the old IP to the new IP. For example: <c:uForgeUrl></c:uForgeUrl> to <c:uForgeUrl></c:uForgeUrl>.

  3. Open file /etc/httpd/conf.d/uforge-ui.conf and modify all occurences of the old IP to the new IP. For example: ProxyPassMatch ^/uforge/resources(.*)$$1 to ProxyPassMatch ^/uforge/resources(.*)$$1

  4. Open file /etc/squid/squid.conf and modify all occurences of the old IP to the new IP. For example: acl uforge_nodes src to acl uforge_nodes src

  5. Restart the services as follows:

    $ /opt/UShareSoft/uforge/tools/update_scripts/
    $ /opt/UShareSoft/uforge-client/bin/