Updating an Existing UForge Deployment

All the UForge components are delivered as native RPM packages. We maintain a custom repository of the UForge platform. All updates are added to this repository. The update mechanism of a remote UForge platform uses the standard “yum” command-line package management utility.


In order to interact with the official package repository, you must already have an active UForge license (stored in Fujitsu’s database) and corresponding authentication credentials, set during the initial install of the platform. The authentication credentials are stored in the uforge.conf file and used in the uforge-ee.repo file. To view these files:

$ vi /etc/UShareSoft/uforge/uforge.conf


You should never update the following file: /etc/yum.repo.d/uforge-ee-repo

The request to update uses these credentials via HTTPS to Fujitsu who then determines whether you have the access rights to update the platform.

You must also have set up the yum repo file to authorize UForge updates using configure_yum_repos.sh as follows:

$ /opt/UShareSoft/uforge/conf/configure_yum_repos.sh -u <uss account user> -p <uss account password> -t <uforge install type>

The (optional) parameter <uforge install type> can take the values uforge-ee or uforge-dev. By default uforge-ee is used.


Before upgrading UForge, make sure that no cron jobs are running. For more information on cron jobs, refer to Managing the Watchdog Services.


It is recommended to take a snapshot of all impacted VMs before starting the update procedure, in case you need to rollback.

To update the platform, use the “yum” command-line tool as follows:

  1. Run yum update uforge-common.
  2. Run yum update uforge uforge-cli uforge-client uforge-gen.

The RPM packages will be replaced and the services will be reconfigured to correctly update the platform. If you have a multi-node UForge platform, then this command must be run on all the nodes. The updates should be run in the following order:

  1. database node
  2. compute node(s)
  3. web service and Portal nodes
  1. Run the following CLI command in order to know if Squid is running:

    $ systemctl status squid

    If squid is stopped, run the following command-line

    $ systemctl start squid


When you are upgrading from UForge 3.8.FP3 or an earlier version there is an additional step to be done manually if you are in a multi-node environment. You have to copy the file /etc/UShareSoft/vault/root_token from database node to web service node and compute node(s). This file will be used to configure access to the secret manager.