
POST /users/{uid}/appliances/{aid}/bootscripts/{bsid}/bin/{fileName}

Uploads a boot script file.

Prior to uploading a boot script file, a bootScript object must be created. Refer to applianceBootScript_create to understand how to create a new boot script object for an appliance.

Security Summary

  • Requires Authentication: true
  • Entitlements Required: appliance_create

URI Parameters

  • uid (required): the user name (login name) of the user
  • bsid (required): the id of the bootScript
  • fileName (required): the boot script filename to add
  • aid (required): the id of the appliance

HTTP Request Body Parameters

The file to upload.

Example Request

curl "{uid}/appliances/{aid}/bootscripts/{bsid}/bin/{fileName}" -X POST \
-u USER_LOGIN:PASSWORD -H "Accept: application/xml"-H "Content-type: application/xml" --data-binary "@binaryFilePath"