
POST /users/{uid}/imports/{iid}/uploads

Upload the appliance archive. <p/>

In order to upload an archive, an appliance import ticket must first be created by using appliance_import. <p/>

Once the upload is complete, the platform extracts the archive and creates an appliance from the archive contents. This is an asynchronous job. To get the status of this import, use applianceImportStatus_get

Security Summary

  • Requires Authentication: true
  • Entitlements Required: appliance_create

URI Parameters

  • uid (required): the user name (login name) of the user
  • iid (required): the id of the applianceImport ticket

HTTP Request Body Parameters

The file to upload.

Example Request

curl "{uid}/imports/{iid}/uploads" -X POST \
-u USER_LOGIN:PASSWORD -H "Accept: application/xml"-H "Content-type: application/xml" --data-binary "@binaryFilePath"