
Description of an operating system user for filesystem directory and file permissions. OS users can be grouped together using osGroup objects.


The list of attributes for osUser are:

  • disablePasswordLogin (boolean): boolean to disable the user logging into the system using a password
  • encrypted (boolean): boolean indicating that the password string is encrypted
  • fullName (string): the full name of the user
  • homeDir (string): the home directory of the user
  • name (string): the user name
  • password (string): the user password
  • passwordAuto (boolean): a boolean indicating for the platform to automatically set the password listed in the attribute password
  • primaryGroup (string): the user’s primary group (see osGroup)
  • primaryGroupAuto (boolean): boolean indicating for the platform to automatically assign the user’s primary group
  • secondaryGroups (string): a list of the user’s secondary groups (each group separated by a comma)
  • shell (string): the shell type for the user
  • sshKeys: a list of public SSH keys for the user (see sshKey)
  • sudo (int): a flag to configure sudoers parameters (0 : no sudo, 1: sudo, 2: sudo without password)
  • systemUser (boolean): a boolean indicating that this is a system user
  • uri (anyURI): the uri resource of this user object
  • userId (string): the unique id of this user (only used if userIdAuto == false
  • userIdAuto (boolean): boolean indicating whether the platform should automatically calculate the user’s id
  • created (dateTime): the created date of the object
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object