
Holds all the meta-data of a scan. This is the report information after scanning a live system.


The list of attributes for scan are:

  • binariesExtracted (boolean): a boolean flag determining of the overall has been extracted by the platform
  • binariesReceived (boolean): a boolean flag determining of the overall has been received by the platform
  • error (boolean): a boolean flag to indicate an error during the scan process
  • errorMsg (string): the error message
  • extraFiles: a list of scannedFile files that are not part of any native package on the file system
  • filesUri (anyURI): a uri resource to retrieve all the filesystem files reported by the scan process
  • images: a list of image objects that have been generated from this scan report
  • imagesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the machine images generated from this scan report
  • imports: a list of scanImport objects that have been imported from this scan report
  • winServices: a list of winService objects that represent Windows services on the scanned machine
  • winApplications: a list of winMsiApplication objects that represent Windows applications on the scanned machine
  • importsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the imports
  • installProfile (installProfile): the install profile of the scanned system
  • installProfileUri (anyURI): the uri resource of the installProfile
  • name (string): the scan name
  • overlayCrc (string): the crc of the scan overlay archive
  • overlayImported (boolean): a boolean indicating whether the overlay has been imported on the platform
  • overlayUri (anyURI): the uri resource to upload the overlay
  • rawPartitionsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to upload the raw partitions (only for Windows source machines)
  • packages: the list of package objects listed in the scan report
  • packagesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the medatadata of the scanned packages
  • scanned (boolean): a boolean indicating if the scan report has been received from the scan agent on the source machine
  • scannedInstanceUri (anyURI): the uri of the parent scanned instance
  • status (status): the status of the scan
  • totalFilesAdded (int): the number of extra files found in the scan report
  • totalFilesDeleted (int): the number of files that have been deleted in source machine installed packages
  • totalFilesModified (int): the number of files that have been modified in the source machine installed packages
  • totalPackages (int): the number of native packages installed on the source machine
  • uncompressedBinarySize (long): the size of all the overlays
  • uri (anyURI): the uri of the scan
  • created (dateTime): the created date of the object
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object