
Describes an user of the platform.


The list of attributes for user are:

  • address (address): the user’s address
  • admin (boolean): boolean indicating if the user is an administrator
  • adminOrgsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to get the list of Org this user is an administrator of
  • adminOrgUris (UriList): the list of Org URI where this user is an administrator
  • apiKeysQuota (int): the number of API keys this user can generate
  • applianceUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each appliance template this user is managing
  • baseApiKeysUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s api keys
  • baseAppliancesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s appliance templates
  • baseCredAccountsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s cloud accounts
  • baseDistributionsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the operating systems the user has access to
  • baseFormatsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the primitive formats the user has access to
  • baseTargetPlatformsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the target platforms the user has access to
  • baseTargetFormatsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the target formats the user has access to
  • baseImagesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s machine images
  • baseExportsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s exported appliance templates
  • baseImportsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s imported appliance templates
  • mySoftwareImportsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s imported software bundles
  • baseMySoftwareLibraryUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s software library (containing private software components)
  • baseOrgsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the organizations the user is a member of
  • baseProjectsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the project catalog software components
  • basePublishImagesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s published machine images
  • baseRolesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s roles
  • baseWorkspacesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the workspaces the user has access to
  • creationCode (string): the code used for creating the user (subscription profile code, see subscriptionProfile)
  • credAccountUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each cloud account the user has
  • artifactAccountsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s artifact accounts
  • distributionUris (UriList): the list of uris for each operating system the user has access to
  • dob (dateTime): the user’s date of birth
  • formats: the list of primitive formats the user has access to (see imageFormat)
  • targetPlatforms: the list of target platforms the user has access to (see targetPlatform)
  • targetFormats: the list of target formats the user has access to (see targetFormat)
  • formatUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each primitive format the user has access to
  • targetPlatformUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each target platform the user has access to
  • targetFormatUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each target format the user has access to
  • gender (string): the user’s gender
  • homePhone (string): the user’s home phone number
  • lang (string): the user’s preferred language
  • mobilePhone (string): the user’s mobile phone number
  • mySoftwareLibraryUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each software component the user has in their software library
  • name (string): the user’s first name
  • officePhone (string): the user’s office phone number
  • orgUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each organization this user is a member of
  • password (string): the user’s password
  • projectUris (UriList): the list of uri resources for each software component in the project catalog
  • promoCode (string): the promotion code used when creating the user account
  • quotasUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the user’s quota information
  • roles: the list of roles assigned to the user (see role)
  • scannedInstancesUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the scanned instances for the user (see scannedInstance)
  • scansUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the scans for the user (see scan)
  • sshKeys: the list of public ssh keys for the user (see sshKey
  • sshKeysUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the publish ssh keys for the user
  • statsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the user statistics
  • uri (anyURI): the uri resource of this user object
  • usageUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve the platform usage for the user
  • loginName (string): the user login name
  • active (boolean): boolean indicating whether the user account is active
  • company (company): the company information for this user
  • email (string): the user’s email address
  • firstName (string): the user’s first name
  • surname (string): the user’s surname
  • jobTitle (string): the user’s job title
  • photo (logo): the user’s photo / avatar
  • website (anyURI): the user’s website
  • created (dateTime): the created date of the object
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object