
POST /users/{uid}/scannedinstances/{siid}/scans/{sid}/overlay

Uploads the overlay from the live system. The overlay archive includes all the packages and files not already known by the UForge platform. This overlay is created on the live system during the scan process.

This request is similar to scanOverlay_upload


This request is used by the uforge-scan binary, normally you should not use this request via APIs

Security Summary

  • Requires Authentication: true
  • Entitlements Required: migration_access

URI Parameters

  • uid (required): the user name (login name) of the user
  • siid (required): the id of the scannedInstance
  • sid (required): the id of the scan

HTTP Request Body Parameters

The file to upload.

Example Request

curl "{uid}/scannedinstances/{siid}/scans/{sid}/overlay" -X POST \
-u USER_LOGIN:PASSWORD -H "Accept: application/xml"-H "Content-type: application/xml" --data-binary "@binaryFilePath"