
PUT /users/{uid}/targetplatforms

Updates the list of target platforms that an user has access to.

Please refer to targetPlatform for a complete list of all the target platform attributes.


Any target platform that the user currently has access to that is not specified in the new target platform list will be removed, this effectively de-activates those target platforms for the user.

Security Summary

  • Requires Authentication: true
  • Entitlements Required: org_formats_administrate

URI Parameters

  • uid (required): the user name (login name) of the user

HTTP Request Body Parameters

A targetPlatforms object

Example Request

curl "{uid}/targetplatforms" -X PUT \
-u USER_LOGIN:PASSWORD -H "Accept: application/xml" --data-binary "@representation.xml"

Example of representation.xml content (the request body):

<ns0:targetPlatforms xmlns:ns0="">