
Provides all the statistical information of a galleryTemplate. This includes basic statistics (see galleryTemplateStat, as well as rating information.


The list of attributes for galleryTemplateStatistics are:

  • clonedStats: a list of galleryTemplateStat objects holding the statistics describing the number of times an appliance template has been cloned
  • clonedStatsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to get all import statistics for an appliance template
  • clones: a list of statDataPoint providing the history of imports
  • downloads: a list of statDataPoint providing the history of download statistics
  • hasRating (boolean): a boolean flag to determine if the appliance template has been rated
  • nbDownloads (long): the total number of downloads of machine images related to the appliance template
  • nbImports (long): the total number of imports for this appliance template
  • nbVotes (long): the total number of times this appliance template has been rated
  • overallRating (float): the overall rating of this appliance template
  • parentUri (anyURI): the uri resource of the parent appliance template
  • truncatedDate (string): the date of the data point
  • uri (anyURI): the uri resource of this object
  • voteStats: a list of voteStat providing the all the ratings by users
  • voteStatsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the ratings by users for this appliance template
  • created (dateTime): the created date of the object
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object