
Description of an operating system group for filesystem directory and file permissions. See also osUser.


The list of attributes for osGroup are:

  • groupId (string): the unique id of the group (only used if groupIdAuto == false
  • groupIdAuto (boolean): boolean flag to determine if the group id should be calculated
  • name (string): the group name
  • sudo (int): a flag to configure sudoers parameters (0 : no sudo, 1: sudo, 2: sudo without password)
  • systemGroup (boolean): flag to determine if this is a system group
  • uri (anyURI): the uri resource of this group object
  • created (dateTime): the date the appliance template is created
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object