
GET /users/{uid}/stats

Retrieve statistics for an user.

A list of userStats objects are returned. The statistics data includes:

  • Current summary usage information.
  • User’s quota.
  • Appliance activity. This is timeline of appliances created and machine images generated from those appliances. It includes a breakdown of operating systems used for the appliances and machine image formats of the machine images.
  • Scan activity. This is the timeline of live machine scans created and machine images generated from those scans. It includes a breakdown of the operating systems detected as part of the scan and machine image formats of the machine images.
  • User’s disk usage. This is the disk storage used for the user’s software components (in the Software Library); machine images and scan meta-data.

Security Summary

  • Requires Authentication: true
  • Entitlements Required: None

URI Parameters

  • uid (required): the user name (login name) of the user

HTTP Request Body Parameters


Example Request

curl "{uid}/stats" -X GET \
-u USER_LOGIN:PASSWORD -H "Accept: application/xml"