
Holds the information of a physical disk that is part of a partitioning table. A disk may also contain physical and logical partitions.


The list of attributes for disk are:

  • blockSize (int): the disk block size (bytes)
  • name: the disk name, for example sda
  • partitions: a list of partitions this disk has (see partition)
  • partitionsUri (anyURI): the uri resource to retrieve all the partitions for this disk
  • partitionTableUri (anyURI): the uri resource of the parent partition table
  • partitionType: the disk type
  • partitionUris (UriList): the list of uris for the partitions this disk has
  • size (long): the disk size (in bytes)
  • uri (anyURI): the uri resource for this disk
  • created (dateTime): the date the appliance template is created
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object