
Holds the information of the transformation process from a scan report to an appliance template or a golden image.


The list of attributes for scanImport are:

  • importedObjectName (string): the name of the imported appliance or golden. This name won’t be updated even if the name of the imported object gets changed
  • importedObjectUri (anyURI): the URI of the imported appliance or golden. This URI could be deprecated in case the imported object is deleted.
  • importedObjectVersion (string): the version of the imported appliance or golden. This version won’t be updated even if the version of the imported object gets changed
  • importedObjectDescription (string): the description of the imported golden only. This description won’t be updated even if the description of the imported golden gets changed
  • orgUri (anyURI): the uri of the Organization where the scan has been imported
  • parentUri (anyURI): the parent uri of the scan import
  • status (status): the status of the import
  • uri (anyURI): the uri of the scan import
  • importedToGolden (boolean): a boolean indicating if the imported object is a golden image. If set to false the imported object is an appliance template
  • created (dateTime): the date the appliance template is created
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object