Modifying Your User Profile

You can edit your user profile by going to the Profile page. The only mandatory information is your email address.


You can add or modify your name, company information and address and click save.

To add a photo to your profile or modify the existing one:

  1. Go to the My Account page.
  2. Click on the Profile tab.
  3. Click on the round photo icon on the left hand side.
  4. Navigate to the desired image (preferably a .jpeg or .png).
  5. Click Open.
  6. Click save.

Viewing Your Statistics

When you log in to the UForge Portal, the first tab is the Dashboard page. This page presents your user statistics.

On the Usage page you can quickly see:

  • Summary: summary of your account statistics, such as number of appliances created, image generations, number of scans and disk usage. You can also see any quotas set for your account.
  • Appliances: the number of appliances, clearly indicating the number imported from the UForge Marketplace, Collaboration workspace, or Hammr. The number of current appliances is the number of appliances you have access to, while total includes appliances that have been deleted. You will also see on this page the number of OS types used for your various appliances.
  • Generations: the number of images generated and published. The number of current generations is the number of images currently linked to your appliances, while total includes all the images, including the ones that have been deleted. You will also see on this page the number of OS types in use for your various appliances.
  • Scans: the number of scans run for Migration service. The number of current scans is the number of scans you have access to, while total includes all the scans, including the ones that have been deleted. You will also see on this page the number of OS types in use for your various appliances.

On the Generations page you will see a list of the machine images generated (including the ones that failed) and published.
