
Within a stack, the bundles sub-section describes any custom software to be added to the filesystem of the machine image during the build phase. Software bundles can contain any file, archive or native package. Native packages can be installed and archives can be uncompressed as part of this process.

The definition of a bundles section when using YAML is:

- # the list of bundles goes here.

If you are using JSON:

"bundles": [
    ...the list of bundles goes here.

The valid keys to use within a bundle are:

  • description (optional): a string describing what the bundle does or contains.
  • destination (optional): a string providing the target directory where to add the files in the filesystem.
  • files (mandatory): an array of objects describing the files, archives or packages contained in the bundle (each element can have another files key). See the files sub-section for available keys.
  • license (optional): an object providing the license information for the bundle. See the license sub-section for available keys.
  • name (mandatory): a string providing the name of the bundle.
  • version (mandatory): a string providing the version of the bundle.
  • shortTag (optional): a string providing the short tag for the bundle.
  • category (optional): a string providing the category name for the bundle.
  • maintainer (optional): a string providing the maintainer for the bundle (if not provided, the user loginName will be used).
  • website (optional): a string providing the website URL for the bundle or maintainer.
  • oses (optional): a list of os for which the bundle is designed (please refer os for more information, only name, version and arch is necessary).
  • sourceLogo (optional): a string providing the location of where to get the file. This can be a filesystem path (absolute or relative) or an URL.

The destination string that describes where to add the files in the bundle is ignored for native packages that have the option to be installed during the build process.


Bundle sub-sections are:


Basic Example

The following example describes the mandatory information in a bundle to be uploaded and used in the template. All the files described in the bundle are placed in the /tmp/wordpress directory.

If you are using YAML:

       - name: "wordpress"
         version: "3.5"
         destination: "/tmp/wordpress"
         maintainer: "wordpress"
         - # add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)
       - name: "wordpress language pack"
         version: "3.5"
         destination: "/tmp/wordpress"
         maintainer: "wordpress"
         - # add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)

If you are using JSON:

.. code-block:: json

         "bundles": [
             "name": "wordpress",
             "version": "3.5",
             "destination": "/tmp/wordpress",
             "maintainer": "wordpress",
             "files": [
                 ...add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)
             "name": "wordpress language pack",
             "version": "3.5",
             "destination": "/tmp/wordpress",
             "maintainer": "wordpress",
             "files": [
                 ...add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)

Adding a Description and License

The following example show how you can add license information and a description to the bundle.

If you are using YAML:

- name: "wordpress"
  version: "3.5"
  description: "The wordpress files from wordpress.org"
  destination: "/tmp/wordpress"
  maintainer: "wordpress"
  - # add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)
  - # add license definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-license` sub-section)

If you are using JSON:

  "bundles": [
      "name": "wordpress",
      "version": "3.5",
      "description": "The wordpress files from wordpress.org",
      "destination": "/tmp/wordpress",
      "maintainer": "wordpress",
      "files": [
          ...add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)
      "license": {
          ...add license definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-license` sub-section)

Adding oses

The following example show how you can provide oses for which the bundle is designed.

If you are using YAML:

- name: "wordpress"
  version: "3.5"
  description: "The wordpress files from wordpress.org"
  destination: "/tmp/wordpress"
  maintainer: "wordpress"
  website: "https://fr.wordpress.org/"
  category: "Blogging"
  - name: "CentOS"
version: "7"
arch: "x86_64"
  - name: "CentOS"
version: "6"
arch: "x86_64"
  - # add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)
  - # add license definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-license` sub-section)
  sourceLogo: "/tmp/wordpress.png"

If you are using JSON:

  "bundles": [
      "name": "wordpress",
      "version": "3.5",
      "description": "The wordpress files from wordpress.org",
      "destination": "/tmp/wordpress",
      "maintainer": "wordpress",
      "website": "https://fr.wordpress.org/",
      "category": "Blogging",
      "oses" : [ {
                "name" : "CentOS",
                "version" : "7",
                "arch" : "x86_64"
          }, {
                "name" : "CentOS",
                "version" : "6",
                "arch" : "x86_64"
          } ],
      "files": [
          ...add files definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-files` sub-section)
      "license": {
          ...add license definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-license` sub-section)
      "sourceLogo": "/tmp/wordpress.png"

Adding Third Party Software

Within a template, you can include your own software and licenses, including bootscripts. The following is an example stack which uploads x file to a template

If you are using YAML:

- name: "wordpress"
  version: "3.5"
  description: "The wordpress files from wordpress.org"
  destination: "/tmp/wordpress"
  maintainer: "wordpress"
  website: "https://fr.wordpress.org/"
  category: "Blogging"
  - name: "CentOS"
version: "7"
arch: "x86_64"
  - name: "filename1.zip"
    ownerGroup: "root:root"
    rights: "755"
    symlink: "/tmp/filename1_symlink.zip"
    tag: "softwarefile"
    source: "/usr/local/folder/filename1.zip"
    md5sum: "1367cd10d6ce432cc44b4dc4bb2c4b01"
    sha256sum: "72bc4caf81f5d9943ba32bf9703262e71ac256ca0308dfdbcc3c0b78a5d01cd4"
    files: []
  - name: "filename2.txt"
    ownerGroup: "root:root"
    rights: "755"
    tag: "softwarefile"
    source: "/usr/local/folder/filename2.txt"
    files: []
  - name: "iotop-0.6-2.el7.noarch.rpm"
    tag: "ospkg"
    source: "/usr/local/folder/iotop-0.6-2.el7.noarch.rpm"
    files: []
  - name: "bootscriptMysoftware.sh"
    bootOrder: 1
    bootType: "firstboot"
    tag: "bootscript"
    source: "/usr/local/folder/bootscriptMysoftware.sh"
    install: true
    md5sum: "a510c417e546c67a61c720a3696ef87c"
    sha256sum: "a7ae23c18a84338e9425a68a72c1b7cf66ea6ed30bd142ee0a824d6bf02e67e1"
    files: []
  - # add license definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-license` sub-section)
  sourceLogo: "/tmp/wordpress.png"

If you are using JSON:

  "bundles": [
      "name": "wordpress",
      "version": "3.5",
      "description": "The wordpress files from wordpress.org",
      "destination": "/tmp/wordpress",
      "maintainer": "wordpress",
      "website": "https://fr.wordpress.org/",
      "category": "Blogging",
      "oses" : [ {
                "name" : "CentOS",
                "version" : "7",
                "arch" : "x86_64"
          } ],
      "files": [{
                "name": "filename1.zip",
                "ownerGroup" : "root:root",
                "rights" : "755",
                "symlink" : "/tmp/filename1_symlink.zip",
                "tag" : "softwarefile",
                "source": "/usr/local/folder/filename1.zip",
                "files" : [ ]
          }, {
                "name": "filename2.txt",
                "ownerGroup" : "root:root",
                "rights" : "755",
                "tag" : "softwarefile",
                "source": "/usr/local/folder/filename2.txt",
                "files" : [ ]
          }, {
                "name" : "iotop-0.6-2.el7.noarch.rpm",
                "tag" : "ospkg",
                "source" : "/usr/local/folder/iotop-0.6-2.el7.noarch.rpm",
                "files" : [ ]
          }, {
                "name" : "bootscriptMysoftware.sh",
                "bootOrder" : 1,
                "bootType" : "firstboot",
                "tag" : "bootscript",
                "source" : "/usr/local/folder/bootscriptMysoftware.sh",
                "install" : true,
                "md5sum" : "a510c417e546c67a61c720a3696ef87c",
                "sha256sum" : "a7ae23c18a84338e9425a68a72c1b7cf66ea6ed30bd142ee0a824d6bf02e67e1",
                "files" : [ ]
      } ],
      "license": {
          ...add license definition here (see :ref:`stack-bundle-license` sub-section)
      "sourceLogo": "/tmp/wordpress.png"