
Within an installation section, the partitioning sub-section allows you to describe an advanced partitioning table.


Not all clouds support advanced partitioning. When building a machine image for an environment that does not support advanced partitioning, the build will fail with an appropriate error message.

The definition of a partitioning section when using YAML is:

  # the partitioning definition goes here.

If you are using JSON:

"partitioning": {
    ...the partitioning definition goes here.

The valid keys to use within partitioning are:

  • disks (mandatory): an array of objects describing the physical disks that make up the advanced partitioning table. A disk may include up to four partitions, one of which can be of type extended that may hold one or more logical partitions. For more information, refer to the disks sub-section.
  • volumeGroups (optional): an array objects describing any volume groups that make up the advanced partitioning table. If used, you must have one or more logical volumes using this volume group. For more information, refer to the volumeGroups sub-section.
  • logicalVolumes (optional): an array of objects describing any logical volumes that make up the partitioning table. If used, you must have one or more volume groups that are used in creating the logical volume. For more information, refer to the logical volumes sub-section.


The partitioning sub-sections are:


Basic Example

The following example describes a partitioning table with one disk that has three partitions: the boot partition, a swap partition and a third partition called space.


If you are using YAML:

  - name: sda
        type: msdos
        size: 12288
        - number: 1
          fstype: ext3
          size: 2048
          mountPoint: "/boot"
        - number: 2
          fstype: linux-swap
          size: 1024
        - number: 3
          fstype: ext3
          size: 9216
          label: space
          mountPoint: "/space"

If you are using JSON:

  "partitioning": {
    "disks": [
        "name": "sda",
        "type": "msdos",
        "size": 12288,
        "partitions": [
            "number": 1,
            "fstype": "ext3",
            "size": 2048,
            "mountPoint": "/boot"
            "number": 2,
            "fstype": "linux-swap",
            "size": 1024
            "number": 3,
            "fstype": "ext3",
            "size": 9216,
            "label": "space",
            "mountPoint": "/space"

Using Growable Example

The same partitioning table as shown in Basic Example can be written slightly differently using the grow flag. A growable partition is partition that takes up the rest of the available disk space after the other partition sizes have been satisfied. In this case, we say that the “space” partition takes up the rest of the disk (rather than us having to calculate the space left after creating the first two partitions). We must specify though a size for the third partition (the minimum partition size is 64MB).


If you are using YAML:

  - name: sda
        type: msdos
        size: 12288
        - number: 1
          fstype: ext3
          size: 2048
          mountPoint: "/boot"
        - number: 2
          fstype: linux-swap
          size: 1024
        - number: 3
          fstype: ext3
          size: 64
          grow: true
          label: space
          mountPoint: "/space"

If you are using JSON:

  "partitioning": {
    "disks": [
        "name": "sda",
        "type": "msdos",
        "size": 12288,
        "partitions": [
            "number": 1,
            "fstype": "ext3",
            "size": 2048,
            "mountPoint": "/boot"
            "number": 2,
            "fstype": "linux-swap",
            "size": 1024
            "number": 3,
            "fstype": "ext3",
            "size": 64,
            "grow": true,
            "label": "space",
            "mountPoint": "/space"

Creating Logical Partitions Example

In this example the, logical partitions are created inside the space partition. The space partition now has the filesystem type Extended.


only one partition within a disk can have logical partitions. When a partition is extended, you cannot specify a mount point or a label. Logical partitions must start with number 5


If you are using YAML:

  - name: sda
        type: msdos
        size: 12288
        - number: 1
          fstype: ext3
          size: 2048
          mountPoint: "/boot"
        - number: 2
          fstype: linux-swap
          size: 1024
        - number: 3
          fstype: Extended
          size: 9216
          - number: 5
                fstype: ext3
                size: 4098
                mountPoint: "/space"
                label: space
          - number: 6
                fstype: ext3
                size: 4098
                mountPoint: "/home"
                label: home
          - number: 7
                fstype: ext3
                size: 64
                mountPoint: "/tmp"
                label: tmp
                grow: true

If you are using JSON:

  "partitioning": {
    "disks": [
        "name": "sda",
        "type": "msdos",
        "size": 12288,
        "partitions": [
            "number": 1,
            "fstype": "ext3",
            "size": 2048,
            "mountPoint": "/boot"
            "number": 2,
            "fstype": "linux-swap",
            "size": 1024
            "number": 3,
            "fstype": "Extended",
            "size": 9216,
            "partitions": [
                "number": 5,
                "fstype": "ext3",
                "size": 4098,
                "mountPoint": "/space",
                "label": "space"
                "number": 6,
                "fstype": "ext3",
                "size": 4098,
                "mountPoint": "/home",
                "label": "home"
                "number": 7,
                "fstype": "ext3",
                "size": 64,
                "mountPoint": "/tmp",
                "label": "tmp",
                "grow": true

Volume Groups and Logical Volumes Example

The following example shows how disks and partitions that have lvm filesystem types can be regrouped together – volume group then re-partitioned differently – a logical volume.


If you are using YAML:

  - name: sda
        type: msdos
        size: 12288
        - number: 1
          fstype: ext3
          mountPoint: "/boot"
          size: 1024
        - number: 2
          fstype: linux-swap
          size: 1024
        - number: 3
          fstype: extended
          size: 64
          grow: true
          - number: 5
                fstype: lvm2
                size: 5120
          - number: 6
                fstype: lvm2
                size: 5120
  - name: sdb
        type: lvm
        size: 122880
  - name: grp1
        - name: sda5
        - name: sda6
        - name: sdb
  - name: vol1
        vg_name: grp1
        fstype: ext3
        mountPoint: "/home"
        size: 4098
  - name: vol2
        vg_name: grp1
        fstype: ext3
        mountPoint: "/space"
        size: 64
        grow: true

If you are using JSON:

  "partitioning": {
        "disks": [
                "name": "sda",
                "type": "msdos",
                "size": 12288,
                "partitions": [
                        "number": 1,
                        "fstype": "ext3",
                        "mountPoint": "/boot",
                        "size": 1024
                        "number": 2,
                        "fstype": "linux-swap",
                        "size": 1024
                        "number": 3,
                        "fstype": "extended",
                        "size": 64,
                        "grow": true,
                        "partitions": [
                                "number": 5,
                                "fstype": "lvm2",
                                "size": 5120
                                "number": 6,
                                "fstype": "lvm2",
                                "size": 5120
                "name": "sdb",
                "type": "lvm",
                "size": 122880
        "volumeGroups": [
                "name": "grp1",
                "physicalVolumes": [
                        "name": "sda5"
                        "name": "sda6"
                        "name": "sdb"
        "logicalVolumes": [
                "name": "vol1",
                "vg_name": "grp1",
                "fstype": "ext3",
                "mountPoint": "/home",
                "size": 4098
                "name": "vol2",
                "vg_name": "grp1",
                "fstype": "ext3",
                "mountPoint": "/space",
                "size": 64,
                "grow": true