
PUT /orgs/{oid}/formats

Updates the access rights for a primitive format in an organization. If a primitive format has been flagged inactive globally then this primitive format will no longer be available in the organization.


When a primitive format is flagged as default then any new user created or added to the organization will be automatically given access to this primitive format.


If you add a primitive format as default, all existing users will NOT automatically be given access to this primitive format. You will need to do this explicitly.

Security Summary

  • Requires Authentication: true
  • Entitlements Required: org_formats_administrate

URI Parameters

  • oid (required): the id of the org

HTTP Request Body Parameters

A imageFormats object

Example Request

curl "{oid}/formats" -X PUT \
-u USER_LOGIN:PASSWORD -H "Accept: application/xml" --data-binary "@representation.xml"

Example of representation.xml content (the request body):

<ns0:imageFormats xmlns:ns0="">