
Primitive object to describe the status of the parent object it is attached to. Normally used for asynchronous actions on the platform (e.g. generating machine images, registering machine images, importing/exporting appliance templates).


The list of attributes for status are:

  • bytesLoaded (long): the number of bytes uploaded or downloaded (used for calculating progress)
  • bytesTotal (long): the total number of bytes expecting to be loaded (used for calculating progress)
  • cancelled (boolean): a boolean flag to indicate that the job this status was attached to has been cancelled
  • complete (boolean): a boolean flag to indicate that the job this status was attached has completed
  • detailedError (boolean): a boolean flag to indicate that there is detailed error message information
  • detailedErrorMsg (string): the detailed error message
  • error (boolean): a boolean flag to indicate that an error has occurred in the job this status is attached to
  • errorMessage (string): the error message
  • eta (dateTime): the estimated time of when the job will complete
  • message (string): the current status message
  • parentUri (anyURI): the uri resource of the parent object this status object is attached to
  • percentage (int): the current progress as a percentage
  • published (boolean): a boolean flag used to indicate if the job has finished (for publishing jobs)
  • totalTime (dateTime): the total time the job has taken to complete
  • uri (anyURI): the uri resource of this status object
  • created (dateTime): the created date of the object
  • dbId (long): the database id of the object
  • digest (string): the digest value (used for etag)
  • lastModified (dateTime): the last modified date of this object